You are a company...
looking for a scientific expert
In your search for the best candidate it is important that you have access to all, or as much as possible, available scientists/researchers in Europe and beyond.
The best candidate?
We at EFNAs are convinced that only having the right scientific knowledge is not enough to make a candidate the best one. Besides matching the candidate’s competences with the job, it is also important that the job appeals enough to the candidate’s coretalents. This approach finally results in employees with a high intrinsic motivation.
Accessing "all" available scientists/researchers?
Here EFNAs shows up! We work with a large network of partners (universities, recruitment agencies, outplacement agencies, headhunters, scientific associations & societies,...). All these partners have their own local networks, databases, advertisement spaces, websites and other channels. So via EFNAs, and the EFNAs network, you reach available scientists/researchers in a wide range of countries and still you have only 1 contact: EFNAs. Of course you can do all this by yourself. But why should you loose precious time contacting and following up hundreds of recruitment offices?
Click here to find out how it works...